Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute


kenya marine and fisheries research institute logo

The Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) is a state corporation established in 1979 under the Science and Technology Act, Cap 250, later replaced by the Science, Technology and Innovation Act, 2013. It was formed by the Government of Kenya to conduct research in marine and freshwater fisheries, aquaculture, and marine ecosystems. KMFRI aims to provide scientific data and technologies to support the sustainable use of Kenya’s aquatic resources, promote conservation, and contribute to food security and economic development in the blue economy sector.

CEO: Dr. James Mwaluma

Dr. James Mwaluma, Acting CEO of Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, specializes in marine zooplankton and fish larvae research. He leads projects on fish larvae identification, cage culture systems for rabbitfish, and mud crab fattening. Administratively, he manages the institute’s research coordination and policy implementation, aligning operations with national standards.

Management Team

Dr. James Mwaluma


Dr. Jonathan Munguti

Director Aquaculture

Dr. Jacqueline Uku

Director Ocean Coastal Systems & BE

Dr. Christopher Aura

Director Freshwater Systems

Dr. Jacob Ochiewo

Director Socioeconomics

CPA Abraham Kagwima

Deputy Director F&A

Ms. Caroline Mukiira

CS & Director of Legal Services

CPA Benard Kichakuri

Director Internal Audit

Isack Ombwayo Kojo

Supply Chain Manager

Board of Governors

John Safari Mumba


Valentine Mwakamba


Prof. Francis Njonge


Hassan Abdi Dukicha


Isaac Omondi Odek

Rep. Inspector General Corporations

Eng. Erastus Njoroge Kimuri


Nancy Tele


Nelson Dzuya


Emmah Mburu

Rep. CS National Treasury

Jafred Maliro

Rep. Attorney General

Christopher Nyaga

Rep. PS SD BE & Fisheries


  • Conduct multidisciplinary and collaborative research on fish ecology, population dynamics, stock assessment and general aquatic ecology;
  • Collect and disseminate scientific information on fisheries and other aquatic resources and related natural products;
  • Study and identify suitable species for culture including development, adoption and transfer of rearing technology and procedure;
  • Study chemical and physical processes that affect productivity of aquatic ecosystems;
  • Monitor water quality and pollution in fresh and marine water environments;
  • Carry out socio-economic research on aspects relevant to fisheries, environment and other aquatic resources;
  • Establish a marine and freshwater collection for research and training purposes;
  • Offer training facilities to aquatic scientists;
  • Conduct research on fish quality control, post harvest preservation and value addition technologies and
  • Conduct research on blue economy.

Address & Contacts

  • P.O. Box 81651 – 80100 Mombasa, KENYA
  • Silos Road, English Point, Mkomani, Mombasa
  • +254 (20) 8021561 / +254 712003853