National Syndemic Diseases Control Council


  • Act: National Syndemic Diseases Control Council Act, 2022.
  • Formed: 2023
  • CEO: Dr. Ruth Laibon-Masha, PhD, EBS
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The National Syndemic Diseases Control Council (NSDCC) of Kenya, established by the National Syndemic Diseases Control Council Act, 2022, oversees the prevention and management of syndemic diseases, which include HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and sexually transmitted infections, among others. The Council’s expanded mandate addresses overlapping health and social challenges affecting vulnerable populations. NSDCC’s roles include policy formulation, resource mobilization, and health education to mitigate syndemic diseases. It collaborates with various stakeholders to strengthen healthcare systems, improve public health responses, and support preventive and control measures across Kenya.

CEO: Dr. Ruth Laibon-Masha

Dr. Ruth Masha holds a doctorate in Public Health and boasts over 20 years of experience in healthcare policy, syndemic disease prevention, and management. She has held leadership positions in various public health organizations in Kenya, contributing significantly to improving health outcomes and addressing syndemic challenges in the country.

Management Team

Dr. Ruth Laibon-Masha


Reuben T. Musundi

Deputy Director, Partnerships and Advocacy

Murugi Micheni

Deputy Director, Strategy and Implementation Coordination Support

Njeri Kimuri

Deputy Director, Legal Services

Caroline Kinoti

Deputy Director, Health Promotion and Capacity Development

CPA, Josphine K. Kaberia

Deputy Director, Grants Management

Edwin Chumo Kimutai

Deputy Director, Health Products and Technologies Coordination

Gabriel Nkari

Director, Internal Audit

Dr. Fridah Muinde

Deputy Director, Planning and Risk Management Coordination

Vincent Alwaka Matsalia

Ag. Deputy Director, Administration

Dr. Celestine Mugambi

Deputy Director, Preventive and Curative Programme

Mutugi Mugambi

Deputy Director, Supply Chain Management

Alex Kariuki

Deputy Director, Information and Communication Technology Support

Board of Governors

Geoffrey Gitu


Andrew Rukaria,

Alternate to the PS, Ministry of Health

Patrick Macharia

Alternate to the PS, The National Treasury

Jennifer Ng’ang’a

Alternate to the Attorney General

Dr. Ruth Laibon-Masha

Chief Executive Officer


  • Develop and implement policies for the prevention and control of syndemic diseases.
  • Coordinate national responses to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and sexually transmitted infections.
  • Mobilize resources to support syndemic disease prevention and management programs.
  • Oversee research and data collection on syndemic disease trends.
  • Conduct public health education and awareness campaigns.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders in the health sector.
  • Support vulnerable populations affected by syndemic diseases.
  • Strengthen healthcare systems to improve disease response.
  • Monitor and evaluate syndemic disease programs.
  • Promote behavioral change initiatives to reduce disease transmission.

Important Links

Address & Contacts

  • P.O. Box 61307 – 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
  • Landmark Plaza, 9th Floor, Argwings Kodhek Road
  • PR34+X6 Nairobi
  • +254 20 2715109 / +254 20 2715144